Yakima River Fish Report for 5-5-2022
Yakima River to open for hatchery spring Chinook
Yakima River

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Opens two areas of the Yakima River to fishing for hatchery spring Chinook salmon.
- Area A: Hwy. 240 Bridge in Richland (RM 2.1) upstream to the State Route 241 (Sunnyside-Mabton) Bridge (RM 59.8).
- Area B: Interstate 82 bridge at Union Gap (RM 107.1) to the BNSF railroad bridge approximately 600 feet downstream of Roza Dam (RM 127.8).
Effective Dates:
- Area A: Open May 6 through June 15, 2022.
- Area B: Open May 17 through June 30, 2022.
Species affected: Chinook salmon
- Daily limit of two (2) hatchery Chinook. Minimum size 12 inches.
- Terminal Gear: Up to two (2), single-point, barbless hooks with a hook gap from point to shank of 3/4 inch or less.
- Use of bait is allowed.
- Anglers can use two poles when fishing for salmon with the Two-Pole Endorsement.
- Night closure in effect for salmon.
Additional Rules for Area A:
Closed waters to fishing for all species:
- from 400' downstream to Horn Rapids (Wanawish) Dam
- from 200' downstream of the USBR Chandler Powerhouse to 200' upstream of the USBR Chandler Powerhouse.
- In Prosser, from the Grant Avenue Bridge (RM 47.0) upstream to the Wine Country Road Bridge (RM 47.3)
Additional Rules for Area B:
- Use of bait and knotted nets is permitted when fishing for salmon.
- Fishing for all game fish, such as trout, whitefish, etc., remains closed until Saturday, May 28.
- Fishing from boats equipped with an internal combustion motor (ICM) is allowed only from the I-82 Bridge at Union Gap to the eastbound (upstream) I-82 bridge at Selah Gap. Boats with an ICM may be used for transportation only upstream of the Selah Gap bridge.
- Closed to fishing for all species 400 feet upstream from the upstream side of the Yakima Ave./Terrace Heights Rd. bridge in Yakima, including the area adjacent and downstream of the Roza Wasteway No. 2 fish barrier rack next to Morton & Sons Inc.
Reason for action: A total of 4,680 adult spring Chinook are forecasted to return to the Yakima River, including 2,840 hatchery origin adults from the Cle Elum Hatchery. The return as forecasted is sufficient to provide limited sport fishing opportunity.
Additional information: Hatchery salmon are identified by a missing adipose fin and a healed scar in the location of the missing fin. Wild salmon (adipose fin intact) must be immediately released unharmed and cannot be removed from the water prior to release.
The spring Chinook adult return to the Yakima River will be assessed in-season and may be closed with limited notice. Check the WDFW website for emergency regulation updates.
Information contact: Marc Divens, District 8 Fish Biologist, 509-457-9301 (Yakima) or Paul Hoffarth, District 4 Fish Biologist, 509-545-2284 (Pasco)
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