Oregon Fish Report
McKenzie River Fish Report for 9-24-2007
McKenzie River Fish Report for 9-24-2007
McKenzie River Fish Report 09-24-07
McKenzie River - Coburg, OR

by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359
Steelhead fishing has been slow in the Willamette Valley, and the McKenzie is no different. You are better off cashing in your free-card at work for an extra day of fishing and heading over the mountain to a place called the Deschutes!!! - ??See Deschutes Report.
Trout fishing has been fair with most action on dark Soft Hackles and Caddis Pupa in size 16 or smaller, olive, gray and green are preferred colors. This is not Central/Eastern Washington, so but don't be afraid to use bigger colorful rubber leg "Tool Flies." ??Another sleeper is the Crown Jewel (Sorry Dan!). Deerhorn to Hendricks will probably be your best option if floating.
Trout fishing has been fair with most action on dark Soft Hackles and Caddis Pupa in size 16 or smaller, olive, gray and green are preferred colors. This is not Central/Eastern Washington, so but don't be afraid to use bigger colorful rubber leg "Tool Flies." ??Another sleeper is the Crown Jewel (Sorry Dan!). Deerhorn to Hendricks will probably be your best option if floating.
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Deschutes RiverWith most anglers now swinging for Steelhead, you will be pleasantly surprised finding solitude, and trout in the upper river between Warm Springs and South Junction. Although the Caddis bonanza is tapering off, it's still wise to keep a few stacked in your box. The saddle Caddis is small in size and best imitated with an Elk Hair Caddis in black or olive and the E/C Caddis olive # 16-18. The Pupa will hatch throughout the day with the majority hatching...... Read More
Clackamas River Fish Report 09-21-07
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