Delta Fishing Report

by RB Bass
Last Saturday I fished Sonora bass’s delta tournament out of ladds. I wasn’t able to get any pre fishing in so I stayed local and grinded it out. Water temp was 65 and water clarity was about a foot. I started in 14mile slough and was able to quickly pick up a limit for about 10lbs cranking. The bites were there but just small fish. I was throwing a River2sea biggie smalls and papa in cold blooded color. I ran to pixie slough and started flipping and punching, had one fish for about 4lbs come off just short of the boat while punching. I decided I to make a run back out to the main channel towards Stockton and start cranking again. It immediately paid off with a 5lber. On a couple hundred feet of bank there seemed to be one sweet spot, so I ran it over and over. It was a slightly deeper bank with a bit of a cove to it. I was able to eventually cull up to 18lbs and take third for the event. 21 pounds is what won, almost all of the top 5 teams reported catching there fish on worms.
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Bullards Bar Report By James “Big Ed” Everhart April 5th 2016 Water Temp…58-59 Water Clarity…Clear to Stained Air Temp…79 Wind…10 to 15 mph Started today at around 11am, launched from dark day ramp. The bite has been more of an afternoon bite hence the late start. Started in the flooded willows that were adjacent to clay banks on the main body of the lake, had my clients throwing tubes and shaky heads with 7 inch worms. I was throwing a 4 inch swim-bait, got a couple bites...... Read More
Last weekend Nick Lynch and I fished FPT on New Melones for the central region. I was able to get...... Read More
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Bullards Bar ReservoirBullards Bar Report By James “Big Ed” Everhart April 5th 2016 Water Temp…58-59 Water Clarity…Clear to Stained Air Temp…79 Wind…10 to 15 mph Started today at around 11am, launched from dark day ramp. The bite has been more of an afternoon bite hence the late start. Started in the flooded willows that were adjacent to clay banks on the main body of the lake, had my clients throwing tubes and shaky heads with 7 inch worms. I was throwing a 4 inch swim-bait, got a couple bites...... Read More
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New Melones Reservoir
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