Crowley Lake Fishing Report

Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

Payton’s dad Ryan got some chunky browns off Sandy Pt. as well.

by Tom Loe

The lake is at full pool to begin the season, with good water clarity. The chironomids (midges) are emerging during warmer periods. Historically the water temps will be higher around Sandy Pt., Alligator Pt., & the North Arm. Look for the trout to be relatively deep through May. The aquatic weeds will begin growing by mid-May pushing the fish to the ever deepening mud lines. We typically string our still water rigs to hang in the 16-22 foot range this time of year. Hilton Bay, and McGee Bay will hold fish deeper due to colder water temps. If you plan on still water nymphing- I suggest using copper/dark tigers, BB (broken back) tiger midges, BB gillies, standard gillies, crystal emergers/midge pupa, crystal leeches, & dark assassins. My choice for first casts would be a standard #18 gillie as the upper, with a #18/16 copper tiger midge as the dropper. BB patterns will fish better if the surface is textured due to wind. You can periodically “twitch” your Under-Cator to give some animation to the flies if it is glassy; or calm.

All those black specks you see are not dust on the lens. This opener was packed due to nice weather , and good water conditions.

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