URGENT - Letter Writing Campaign to CA Governor and Lt Governor

by Bob Flecther



Send letters to the Governor and Lt. Governor requesting they authorize San Diego County to open sportfishing. We recommend both email and paper letters be sent for maximum effect.

Copy and paste the following paragraph (and any additional comments you would like to make) into an email and send to: gavin@gavinnewsom.com
Dear Governor Newsom,
I write to request that you re-open charter sportfishing. The boats have implemented the proper plans and protocols. Tens of thousands of Californians are desperate to return to work in order to be able to provide for their families. It is proven that outdoor activities, especially those in an environment with ample sea breeze, are a healthy alternative to being at home.  Fresh fish, outdoor exercise and sunshine are all provided by permitting sportfishing to return.  Please save another group of Californians from further disaster.
Send paper copies to the following addresses:
Governor Gavin Newsom
1303 10th Street, Suite 1173,
Sacramento, CA 95814
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis
State Capitol, Suite 1114
Sacramento, CA 95814

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