Bridgeport Fish Report - June 19, 2022

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff
Bridgeport Fish Report - June 19, 2022
The East is running about 128 cfs today, the temperatures are still in the safe region and the fishing has been pretty good for most anglers. There’s been some decent dry action here and there, some good nymphing but we still haven’t heard too much about the streamer action. If I was going to give streamers a try I’d try some sculpzilla’s, Dali Lama’s, dead drift crayfish and the like. For nymphs it’s been zebra midges, psycho prince, tailwater tiny, darth baetis, perdigon, flashback emerger, buckskin caddis, Fox’s poopah, and they’re still hitting some squirmy worms and San Juans in pink and red. For dries you can try an E/C caddis, elk hair caddis, para adams, griffiths gnat.
The ranch is also fishing pretty well these days, in addition to some of the patterns listed up above they’re still getting some fish on rubberlegs and micro stones, also the dry/dropper action hasn’t been too bad on the ranch section with a chubby chernobyl or stimulator on top and a nymph underneath.
On the days this past week when the wind wasn’t blowing anglers off the water the fishing was pretty good on the Reservoir. They’re still catching some good fish trolling with crawlers, speedy shiners, small Rapalas and Thomas Bouyants. The bait anglers have been getting some fish over near Rainbow Point with pinched crawlers, inflated crawlers, garlic power bait and mice tails. We haven’t been hearing too much from the shore lately but I’m sure there’s a fish or two being caught down there near the dam.
We didn’t get any reports from Kirman this week but in case you missed my shared post on FB, the DFW planted about 3500, 1 to 2 pound brooks in Kirman last week or the week before. It seems they are working on trying to get Kirman back to its historical glory, awesome news!! I would say that right now, with the water conditions the way they are, as well as the fact that the fishing was pretty good before the planting it should be pretty good up there. I would be trying some leech patterns, soft hackles and scud patterns. Also, we’ve been hearing fairly recently that there are anglers having good success stillwater nymphing with small scud and nymph patterns dropped off an indicator so this might be something to try if the leeches don’t work.
The Twins are also producing some good fish, as well as some nice half pound to 1 pound fish lately as well! The shore fishing with power bait, inflated crawlers and mice tails has been producing some fish, and the trolling with Kastmasters, small Rapalas and Thomas Bouyants has also been getting some hook-ups. The Kokanee are also hitting very well up there. Lots of the fish are fairly deep so downriggers or lead core line will help get you to where the fish are.
The flows on the West have come down quite a bit and the fishing has picked up nicely. We’ve had good reports on lures like Panther Martins, mini jigs and Rooster Tails, bait like mice tails, salmon eggs and crawlers as well as flies. The hoppers are starting to come out so a hopper/dropper rig should start working well, we’ve also had a couple good reports from anglers stripping streamers!
The Virginias are still producing well with lots of good reports on large rainbows as well as smaller native brookies and rainbows. Bait anglers are catching fish with pinched crawlers, mice tails and power bait while lure anglers are using kastmasters, Thomas Bouyants, mini jigs and panther martins. Fly anglers are using small leech patterns, soft hackles, aggravator prince nymphs and wooly buggers.
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Some upcoming events:
June 25, 2022 - Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation Fishing Derby, for more information:
July 1 - 10, 2022 - Upper Twin Lakes Mono Village is hosting their 70th annual fishing derby, BBQ’s, beach parties and live music! More information at:
July 1 - 4, 2022 - Bridgeport’s 160th annual 4th of July celebration, arts and crafts festival, horseshoes, ranch rodeo, live music, trap shoot, mud volleyball, pancake breakfast, kids attractions, parade, karaoke, watermelon eating contest, arm wrestling, great fun for the whole family. For more information visit:
July 29 - 30, 2022 - Lower Twin, Twin Lakes Resort’s annual Fish Fest, live music, fishing derby, tons of prizes. For more information go to:
Stay tuned for more special event information!
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East Walker River (CA): The East is running about 128 cfs
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Sceirine Ranch Fishing Report Report
Bridgeport Reservoir: When the wind wasn’t blowing anglers off the water the fishing was pretty good
Kirman Lake: Anglers having good success stillwater nymphing
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins are also producing some good fish
West Walker River (CA): The flows on the West have come down quite a bit and the fishing has picked up nicely
Virginia Lakes: The Virginias are still producing well
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Fishing Report
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Nymphs were the best option for flies this week
Bridgeport Reservoir: Most anglers were reporting 2 to 5 fish per day
Kirman Lake: We didn’t get any reports back from Kirman this week
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins are also producing some mixed reports
West Walker River (CA): The West is still pretty high and off color
Virginia Lakes: The Virginias have kicked out some very nice fish lately
: Bridgeport Fish Report - May 29, 2022
More Reports
Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, June 19th, 2022East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Sceirine Ranch Fishing Report Report
Bridgeport Reservoir: When the wind wasn’t blowing anglers off the water the fishing was pretty good
Kirman Lake: Anglers having good success stillwater nymphing
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins are also producing some good fish
West Walker River (CA): The flows on the West have come down quite a bit and the fishing has picked up nicely
Virginia Lakes: The Virginias are still producing well
Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, May 29th, 2022East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Nymphs were the best option for flies this week
Bridgeport Reservoir: Most anglers were reporting 2 to 5 fish per day
Kirman Lake: We didn’t get any reports back from Kirman this week
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins are also producing some mixed reports
West Walker River (CA): The West is still pretty high and off color
Virginia Lakes: The Virginias have kicked out some very nice fish lately
: Bridgeport Fish Report - May 29, 2022