Golden Gate Fishermans Association 2021-22 Report

by Golden Gate Fishermens Assc.
Golden Gate Fishermans Association 2021-22 Report
Thank you to our members !! Without you, your membership and your support, GGFA cannot continue our 80 year history of fighting for and representing our fishing community! 2021 and 2022 so far have been a busy time for the GGFA, especially with the recent victory against the California Air Resources Board! Coming up in 2022 the GGFA has some big battles to fight with the looming ground fish regulations and possibly a threatened Ocean Salmon season in 2023. Below are some of the few important issues from 20212 and how the GGFA participated. The GGFA want to also encourage members to communicate with your elected board members, each harbor has 1-3 representatives to speak with. If there’s upcoming fishery issues, Coastguard or GGFA information we’re happy to field questions and if we have don’t have an answer we’re happy to help find one!
Ground Fish Report
Last year a stock assessment was made on Quillback rockfish in California. Quillback is part of a nearshore complex that consists of Copper, China, Brown and others rockfish. The results of the California Quillback assessment indicated that the stock is at 14% of the un-fished biomass. Normally the stock would be declared over fished. Unfortunately the Quillback is part of a Complex in the Fishery Management Plan, it cannot be separated from the Complex at this time. However, California is planning for regulation changes in 2023 and 2024 to help rebuild the stock. A full stock assessment is planned for 2023. In the meantime expect severe restrictions for rockfish beginning next year. To see some of the options (in draft form) you can go to the PFMC website, April briefing book item F.4.a CDFW Report 1. Copper rockfish are in a similar situation as Quillback but less than 30% of Coppers are caught north of Point Conception.
GGFA along with SAC are working with CDFW to try to find solutions that allow the maximum fishing opportunities while protecting sensitive fish stocks.
California’s final preferred alternative is expected to be adopted at the June Council Meeting. You may provide written or oral comment at that meeting.
If you have any questions please contact your GGFA/GAP representative : Capt.Tim Klassen at reelsteel@humboldt1.
Ocean Salmon Report
In 2021 the GGFA wrote a letter to the department applauding them for trucking all state hatchery fish during drought conditions in March and April. The GGFA sat on the PFMC salmon advisory sub panel securing the best recreational salmon seasons possible for the state. John Atkinson, GGFA and Rick Powers, GGFA along with James Stone , NCGS (guides) and George Bradshaw representing, PCFFA(troll) met with upper management from all state and federal agencies trying to improve our fishery into the future. A GGFA representative attended all FT. Baker smolt releases to observe the benefit from day time to night time releases. A key observation during the night releases was the lack a bird predation therefore increasing survival. Also last year GGFA participated with NMFS to collect data for thiamine deficiency. This study will directly help to alert hatchery managers if an issue arises prior to smelt release. The Forecast for ocean Salmon is definitely an uphill battle, GGFA has the goal of not only protecting the resource but also help to shape seasons that are best for more time on the water for recreational anglers!
For any questions about Ocean Salmon please contact your GGFA representative: Capt. John Atkinson,
CARB, California Air Resources Board
GGFA, in collaboration with our affiliated association SAC (Sportfishing Association of California), pulled off an amazing victory recently in a long standoff with the California Air Resources Board,(CARB). While many may have some idea that this was happening, the gravity of the situation was not necessarily common knowledge. GGFA and SAC’S efforts resulted in a radical change of course from a government organization that is generally not apt to change!
CARB was pushing hard to impose some truly draconian mandates of tier 4 engines in charter boats statewide no later than next year. Although there were some glaring safety and feasibility issues in implementing these mandates, CARB was not backing down. In their own words, “vessel replacement would be likely in wood and fiberglass boats,” (which means 85-90% of our fleet !!). With no proposed funding or grants to replace boats - to the tune of several million dollars per vessel - these mandates would have absolutely crushed the industry and put a vast majority of all charter fishing boats out of business... with a ripple effect that would have crippled many coastal communities... and denied a staggering number of residents of and visitors to our state affordable access to the bounty and beauty of one of our most cherished natural resources – The Pacific Ocean and it’s fisheries.
SAC and GGFA rallied our members, our customers, our local Chambers of Commerce, city mayors, county supervisors, senators and congressmen, and related businesses such as tackle shops as well as local restaurants and hotels that cater to the charter fishing community. Our association members spent countless hours writing letters on behalf of our grassroots coalition, scheduling meetings with local and state representatives, attending CARB hearings, consulting with experts, gathering accurate data from our own records to refute CARB’s flawed claims, and helping to gather tens of thousands of signatures from California citizens opposed to these mandates. In the end, our efforts paid off big time and CARB made radical revisions to their proposal and adopted a rational path toward reducing emissions in our sector over a much more reasonable time frame.
Please note that without the collective representation of GGFA and SAC, associations with a history and reputation spanning many decades, this outcome could have easily been very different. Also make no mistake... this did NOT come cheap !! Our only course of action that had any real promise of success involved hiring legal representation, lobbyists, engineers, mathematicians and other experts in their respective fields. GGFA made two separate, relatively substantial donations to the cause, but the final cost to GGFA and SAC was well over $300,000. While a majority of our representation is carried out by board members voluntarily and without compensation for their time (which is often time taken away from their own charter businesses), funding is essential to any association. Our members, through their annual membership dues, provide the funding necessary to fight this type of battle on behalf of our whole industry.
For more information on the CARB issue please contact your GGFA representative: Capt Jared Davis,
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