New USCG Regulations - all CPV’s Please Read!!!

by Golden Gate Fishermens Assc.

The Coast Guard has issued an interim final rule in response to the fire and tragic loss of life on the dive boat CONCEPTION off the coast of California on September 2, 2019. The interim rules (attached) adds additional fire safety requirements for small passenger vessels, including fire detection and suppression systems, avenues of escape, egress drills, crew firefighting training, watchmen monitoring devices, and the handling of flammable items such as rechargeable batteries.


If you are receiving this email your small passenger vessel operates on a Coastwise or Oceans route and must comply with the following regulations:


46 CFR 185.364 - Use of Potentially Hazardous Items for Commercial Purposes (Effective March 28, 2022)

·         The intent of this regulation is to develop safe handling procedures for the operation and storage of potentially hazardous items such as rechargeable batteries. 

·         Develop and submit written procedures for any operation and/or storage of potentially hazardous items onboard not currently covered in regulations.


46 CFR 185.420(b) – Crew Training (Effective March 28, 2022)

  • The intent of this regulation is to expand on the minimum standard for firefighting proficiency onboard small passenger vessels.
  • Ensure that quarterly fire drills conducted onboard the vessel address the proficiencies listed in the new regulations. 
  • Marine Inspectors will verify this crew training has been completed through the presence of a crew training manual, documented or logged crew training, and/or demonstration of crew proficiency during inspections.


46 CFR 181.450 – Interconnected detection and alarm system (Effective December 27, 2022)

  • The intent of this regulation is to have installed smoke detectors in all enclosed areas where passengers and crew have routine access, including accommodation spaces and machinery spaces.
  • The fixed smoke detectors must be installed in such a way that the actuation of alarm in one area will result in both an audible and visual alarm in all passenger and crew areas.
  • The system must contain an independent power source, and alarm on low power.
  • Submit plans to the OCMI for approval prior to the effective date of December 27, 2022.


46 CFR 181.500 – Portable Fire Extinguishers (Effective December 27, 2022)

  • The intent of this regulation is to ensure all existing small passenger vessels meet the requirements of “new vessels” for portable fire extinguishers.
  • Marine Inspectors will verify that all existing vessels meet the applicable portable fire extinguisher requirements during the vessel’s next scheduled Annual/COI Inspection.



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