Bridgeport Fish Report - July, 17th, 2023

by Jim Reid
The East is down to about 638 cfs now and is starting to fish pretty well. It’s still a bit high for lots of anglers and there is limited water that is not running too fast to fish so some areas of the river are tending to get a little crowded at times. There are lots of really nice rainbows being caught lately, as well as a few nice browns. Most of the action we’ve been hearing about has been with streamers but there are a few anglers Euro nymphing or straight indicator nymphing and hooking some fish. Some patterns to give a try include: perdigon nymphs, fox’s poopah, buckskin caddis, psycho prince, zuddler, moal leech, sculpzilla, dead drift crayfish and hornbergs.
We haven’ t had anyone on the ranch lately, hopefully when the flows come down at some point we will have some good reports for you.
We haven’t had anyone on the pond the last few days but earlier in the week it fished very well. Lots of nice fish were caught, some taping at well over 20 inches. It seems the leech patterns are still the best way to go with most anglers throwing Mayors Mini leeches with soft hackle droppers, there also should still be some opportunity for some stillwater nymphing with soft hackles, zebra midges, copper johns and the like.
Though we’re only getting a few reports of fish being caught from the shore lately the boat anglers are still doing very well. There’s lots of 1 to 2 pound rainbows being caught both trolling and bait fishing, as well as some nice 4 to 6 pounders here and there. There’s also been some good 2 to 3 pound perch thrown into the mix. Trollers are using crawlers, speedy shiners, small Rapalas and Thomas Bouyants while bait anglers are using inflated crawlers, power bait, mice tails and pinched crawlers. We haven’t heard any news from fly anglers this week but will pass on any info we get next week.
We still haven’t had much news from Kirman lately, I know there’s gotta be some anglers fishing up there, they’re just not letting us in on their reports. I think if you pulled some seal buggers, stillwater nymphs, mini leeches and the like up there you should have some success, as well as soft hackles and scud patterns.
The Twins are still producing some good fish both from the shore and boats, it sounds like maybe the shore fishing has slowed a little bit and that the fish are starting to go a bit deeper on the troll. 30 to 50 feet is going to be the zone for trolling so you’ll need some lead core or downriggers to get into where the fish are. Rapalas, Thomas Bouyants and speedy shiners are all doing well, also casting Hook Up Baits has been working well. For bait try pinched crawlers, mice tails and power bait.
The flows on the West have come down to around 1700 to 1900 cfs depending on the time of day lately, this is starting to look up! We spoke with one angler who was able to find some softer water near the Highway 395 bridge and pull 3 nice rainbows out. Until the flows come down a bit more that’s what it will take, finding some of the softer water and back eddy’s where fish might be hanging out and get some bait or lures in there to them. The way the flows have been coming down it may only be a few more weeks before it really lights up.
The Virginias have been very solid producers again this week with lots of nice fish being caught up there. Mini jigs like Hook Up Baits and Sierra Slammers have been doing well, also power bait, mice tails, pinched crawlers and inflated night crawlers have been producing. For flies you can try mini leeches, Twin Lakes Specials, Matukas, soft hackles and zug bugs. It’s best to be out on the water but there are still some fish being caught from the shore as well.
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We’re still getting a fair number of reports from folks getting stuck in the back country, there are lots of wash outs, deep ruts (some as deep as 4 or 5 feet in some areas) and mud holes on lots of the dirt roads in the area. If you’re travelling the back roads be careful.
The Virginia Lakes Resort has officially opened up for the season as of last Friday, they really got a late start this year due to all the snow at higher elevations so if you can try to get up there for some great scenery and fishing and show them some support!
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for Monday, July 17th, 2023Hunewill Pond: Hunewill Pond Report
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Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins are still producing some good fish both from the shore and boats
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Virginia Lakes: The Virginias have been very solid producers again this week
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