We went 15 for 20 on Steelhead and 17 walleye anchored with a 28" FishO
Lake Erie - Lorain, Ohio - Loraine, OH (Lorain County)
by Special Eyes Charters
(330) 766-1861
What a day out of Lorain,
We went 15 for 20 on Steelhead and 17 walleye anchored with a 28" FishO - weighing 92 lbs at the cleaners.
We headed out in a simi snotty lake this morning just past 6am, but she laid down quickly as we made it to our destination. The bite started off slow but once the sun got up high and the skys cleared out the silver bullets woke up and started to feed. They were relatively lathurgic today and wernt as jumpy as last weekend making them easier to keep hooked up, but that didn't stop them from ripping drag and peeling line off the reels ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
68 to 70 fow @ 2.8 to 3.2mph was best
Big Fish Tuff Tackle Co. 40TT 160 to 168 back with small Stinger Spoons from Fishing Addiction Gear.
Dipseys #1 setting 114 to 127 & #3 setting 160 to 168 back with big Stinger Spoons.
Down Riggers with a 23 to 30 foot lead 50 to 60 down with 12lb balls.
Absolutely awesome day on the lake with good company.
Back at it tomorrow chasing chrome and eyes with a group of guys that's been fishing with us now for several years.
Man do I love chasing after these silver fish, they are so much fun
Capt. John

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