High Sierra Flyfisher Report 05-01-07
by Chuck Newmyer
General season in Inyo and Mono Counties opened April 28; there are some waters that are open all year. Waters open all year include the main Kern River, the lower Owens River, Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Lake Isabella, and Haiwee Reservoir. The Fish and Game Commission has approved the all year fishing on Hot Creek, Upper Owens, and East Walker. These waters were opened on March 1. The regulations are spelled out in the new regulations under the special regulations section. There is some strong opposition to these new regulations. The concern is the impact on Hot Creek and the East Walker. These are both fragile areas and the impact of all year fishing will be detrimental to the fisheries. This concern is being expressed by a number of people in Bishop, Mammoth, and Bridgeport, including a number of guides. LADWP has closed Haiwee Reservoir to public access due to possible terrorist attacks. The main Kern flows are coming up; it appears that the run-off has started. But due to the low snow pack do not expect heavy run-off this year. Flow on the Lower Owens is holding at 200 cfs; see LOWER OWENS report.
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