Eastern Seep Lakes Fish Report 06-01-07

Eastern Seep Lakes

by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359

Damsel Nymph migrations are under way and will continue through the month.?? With every passing day, Adults will be a necessary supplement to the arsenal.?? Chironomids and Bloodworms will continue to offer matching opportunities at times, every day.?? And, Callibaetis are still around where applicable (Dry Falls, Dusty, Beda ??? pretty much just-not-Nunally/Lenice), though tend to be sporadic during warm spells, but prolific during cooler spells.?? Leeches and Dragon Nymphs are very well worth offering very early and late (or at night!).

DRY FALLS, BEDA, DUSTY, NUNALLY/LENICE, UPPER/LOWER HAMPTON, QUAIL, LENORE, etc. are ALL producing some GREAT DAYS out there.?? Definitely worth squeezing some trips in before the summer heat shuts things down!

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Salmonflies up to South Junction, with Goldens bringing up the rear in large numbers, filling Redsides to the gullet.?? Big stone dries are coaxing fish in need of a quick re-fill, but at times you'd swear the fish are already stuffed (they probably are!).?? Unless a lot of adults are getting down to the water (wind, ovipositing), the nymphs might be the better bet.?? PMD's are beginning to come off reliably, early in the afternoon, and there's also tons of...... Read More

Salmonfly adults have moved upstream of Maupin, while Goldens are appearing in solid numbers.?? Big Golden adults should provide heady, reliable action over the next week or two.?? Caddis and PED's are well-established events that could divert the trout's focus away from the big bugs when available, with a few PMD's and the promise of Green Drakes also upon us.?? Have fun! PATTERNS: Giant Stones Rogue Foam Salmonfly #4-#6 Kaufmann's Giant Black Stimulator #6 Copper Black Stone Golden #8 Kaufmann's Stone Golden #8 Foamulator Gold #8 Norm Woods...... Read More



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