Westside Lake Fish Report 07-11-07
Westside Lakes
by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359
The recent heat-wave means that summer has come to shut down the lowland-lake trout options.?? Though some lakes provide depth to the extent that trout can gain relief (appropriate oxygen levels), wrestling the fish through the warmer, oxygen-depleted top layer of water can prove decidedly lethal.?? Hope for an early fall!
To keep the Stillwater love alive, seek the relief of elevation, as in go-Alpine.?? Leech at White Pass is surely popular and prolific and only just starting to get going.?? Coldwater and Merrill (Hexagenias due very soon!) to the south are excellent mid-summer destinations as well.?? And of course, there's countless other higher-elevation lakes, drive-to or hike-to, with trout in need of furthering their education.?? Given more time, consider Hosmer and others in Oregon, or a trip north into BC to fish the productive high lakes up that way.
To keep the Stillwater love alive, seek the relief of elevation, as in go-Alpine.?? Leech at White Pass is surely popular and prolific and only just starting to get going.?? Coldwater and Merrill (Hexagenias due very soon!) to the south are excellent mid-summer destinations as well.?? And of course, there's countless other higher-elevation lakes, drive-to or hike-to, with trout in need of furthering their education.?? Given more time, consider Hosmer and others in Oregon, or a trip north into BC to fish the productive high lakes up that way.
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The Quillayute system and Hoh have a few summer-runs around, with some early sea-run cutts to look forward to shortly, for those so anadromously-inclined. The Elwha is a good bet for wild rainbows (before they take the dams out).?? Attractor dries (humpies, wulff's) will fool their fair share of fish; however, there's a #14-#16 amber/cinnamon Caddis, Golden Stones (#10) and Little Green Stones (#16 2xl) around to be reckoned with, as well.?? Sometimes, on this river, a close match can make...... Read More
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Kaufman Streamborn Reports
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