Puget Sound Fish Report 08-16-07

Puget Sound

by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359

The invasion of Pinks is currently in-progress from Tacoma north to Kayak, providing fast action to those in position to greet these waves of fish.?? Early morning to sun-up is proving by far the most productive time-frame for these mostly 1-5 pounders.?? Cloudy mornings mean extended action?Ķ Grab the 5,6 or 7 and head to the beach EARLY!

Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink!

Sea-Runs/Residents:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White #6; Mini-Ceiver Olive, Chartreuse #4; Gummy Minnow Pearl #8; Seth's Sand Eel Dark, Light #6; Shallow Water Shrimp Pearl #8; Turd Chartreuse #8; Flying Ant #12; Stimulator Black #14 (it's getting to be termite time)

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Kaufman Streamborn Reports
for Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Deschutes River: Deschutes River Fish report 07-26-07
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