Yakima River Fish Report 08-27-07
Yakima River
by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359
As if hinting at things to come, flows have fallen below 4000 cfs into the mid-3000 range, only a couple weeks before the proverbial faucet gets turned off in earnest.?? By September 10, the river will be low and wadable throughout, from Roza to Cle Elum and above.?? As flows continue to sneak down towards 3000 cfs and below, and especially once the "drop" occurs in September, "tight-to-the-bank" will become more the exception than the rule, as trout reclaim classic pool, pocket, run and riffle haunts.
Hoppers and Short-Winged Summer Stones continue to predominate, particularly during non-hatch periods.?? PMD's (early pm start) and Caddis (late afternoon to dark) continue to appear with varying intensity/duration from one day to the next, and are very well worth being prepared for.?? Once the water drops, start having a few Gray Baetis and BWO's along for good measure, as sporadic appearances for these two (early day, late in day) traditionally begin later in August, and by mid-September isolated feeders can be caught snacking on these mayflies.??
Fall is on our heels?Ķ.
Hoppers and Short-Winged Summer Stones continue to predominate, particularly during non-hatch periods.?? PMD's (early pm start) and Caddis (late afternoon to dark) continue to appear with varying intensity/duration from one day to the next, and are very well worth being prepared for.?? Once the water drops, start having a few Gray Baetis and BWO's along for good measure, as sporadic appearances for these two (early day, late in day) traditionally begin later in August, and by mid-September isolated feeders can be caught snacking on these mayflies.??
Fall is on our heels?Ķ.
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Still a little warm at the surface layer in the lowlands, although lengthening/cooling nights are bringing us a little closer to good days at Pass (and nights!), Lone and others. Rattlesnake Lake should begin yielding productive evenings NOW?Ķ just wait for the sun to sneak below the ridge and things should pick up for that last hour or so.?? Lost Lake, behind Lake Kecheelus, has given up some nice triploids and a few nice brookies, to the few who have ventured...... Read More
The invasion of Pinks is currently in-progress from Tacoma north to Kayak, providing fast action to those in position to greet these waves of fish.?? Early morning to sun-up is proving by far the most productive time-frame for these mostly 1-5 pounders.?? Cloudy mornings mean extended action?Ķ Grab the 5,6 or 7 and head to the beach EARLY! PATTERNS: Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink! Sea-Runs/Residents:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White...... Read More
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Westside LakesStill a little warm at the surface layer in the lowlands, although lengthening/cooling nights are bringing us a little closer to good days at Pass (and nights!), Lone and others. Rattlesnake Lake should begin yielding productive evenings NOW?Ķ just wait for the sun to sneak below the ridge and things should pick up for that last hour or so.?? Lost Lake, behind Lake Kecheelus, has given up some nice triploids and a few nice brookies, to the few who have ventured...... Read More
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Puget SoundThe invasion of Pinks is currently in-progress from Tacoma north to Kayak, providing fast action to those in position to greet these waves of fish.?? Early morning to sun-up is proving by far the most productive time-frame for these mostly 1-5 pounders.?? Cloudy mornings mean extended action?Ķ Grab the 5,6 or 7 and head to the beach EARLY! PATTERNS: Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink! Sea-Runs/Residents:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White...... Read More