Puget Sound FIsh Report 09-04-07
Puget Sound
by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359
Brown's Point has slowed down considerably for Pinks, while north-Sound beaches (Lincoln, Picnic, Kayak, etc.) have been a little spotty.?? Along the way, some nice sea-run cutthroat have been sampled, along with a few larger resident silvers (4-8 pounds), and a couple blackmouth, as well, so all is not lost.?? It's a good time to begin anticipating early squirts of mature, returning silvers along the beaches, though the next couple weeks should find the majority still congregated in the Strait.?? Once a few early fall rains materialize, look out!?? By the end of the month the big silvers should really be going in earnest.?? We'll keep you updated as the situation changes!
Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink!
Sea-Runs/Residents/Returning Coho:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White #6; Mini-Ceiver Olive, Chartreuse #4; Gummy Minnow Pearl #8; Seth's Sand Eel Dark, Light #6; Shallow Water Shrimp Pearl #8; Turd Chartreuse #8
Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink!
Sea-Runs/Residents/Returning Coho:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White #6; Mini-Ceiver Olive, Chartreuse #4; Gummy Minnow Pearl #8; Seth's Sand Eel Dark, Light #6; Shallow Water Shrimp Pearl #8; Turd Chartreuse #8
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Westside Lakes: Westside Lakes Fish Report 08-27-07
Yakima River: Yakima River Fish Report 08-27-07
Yakima River: Yakima River Fish Report 08-27-07
Puget Sound: Puget Sound Fish Report 08-27-07
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Metolius River: Metolius River Fish Report 08-27-07
The invasion of Pinks is currently in-progress from Tacoma north to Kayak, providing fast action to those in position to greet these waves of fish.?? Early morning to sun-up is proving by far the most productive time-frame for these mostly 1-5 pounders.?? Cloudy mornings mean extended action?Ķ Grab the 5,6 or 7 and head to the beach EARLY! PATTERNS: Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink! Sea-Runs/Residents:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White...... Read More
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Kaufman Streamborn Reports
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Puget Sound Fish Report 08-16-07
Puget SoundThe invasion of Pinks is currently in-progress from Tacoma north to Kayak, providing fast action to those in position to greet these waves of fish.?? Early morning to sun-up is proving by far the most productive time-frame for these mostly 1-5 pounders.?? Cloudy mornings mean extended action?Ķ Grab the 5,6 or 7 and head to the beach EARLY! PATTERNS: Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink! Sea-Runs/Residents:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White...... Read More