Party Boat Scores -
April 21, 2024
Party Boat Scores -
April 21, 2024
Bay Area Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
22 Anglers
Full Day Trip
44 California Halibut (up to 17 pounds), 10 Striped Bass (up to 10 pounds)
22 Anglers
Full Day Trip
44 California Halibut, 10 Striped Bass
6 Anglers
Full Day Trip
12 California Halibut, 4 Striped Bass
18 Anglers
Full Day Trip
24 Halibut, 15 Striped Bass
16 Anglers
Full Day Trip
35 Halibut (up to 15 pounds), 4 Striped Bass (up to 99 pounds), 70 Halibut Released
Central Coast Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
2 Anglers
Full Day Trip
4 Califonia Halibut, 1 Striped Bass
17 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
43 Bolina, 43 Rockcod, 8 Red Rockcod (up to 5 pounds)
13 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
13 Bocaccio, 13 Copper Rockfish, 4 Lingcod, 44 Rockfish, 26 Red Rockfish
Ventura Coast Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
11 Anglers
Full Day Trip
4 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 10 Lingcod, 35 Whitefish, 70 Rockfish
21 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
5 Halibut, 4 Lingcod, 105 Rockfish, 21 White Seabass
18 Anglers
2 Day Trip
22 Halibut, 10 Sheephead, 15 Lingcod, 150 Whitefish, 240 Rockfish, 1 White Seabass
30 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
3 Sheephead, 2 Lingcod, 41 Whitefish, 247 Rockfish
35 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
12 Sculpin, 5 Lingcod, 210 Whitefish, 245 Rockfish
5 Anglers
Full Day Trip
10 Halibut, 2 Calico Bass, 4 Lingcod, 10 Rockfish
18 Anglers
Full Day Trip
4 Sculpin, 5 Sheephead, 6 Lingcod, 76 Whitefish, 134 Rockfish
36 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Halibut, 11 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 78 Whitefish, 287 Rockfish
18 Anglers
Overnight Trip
3 Cabezon, 4 Halibut, 1 Sheephead, 1 Calico Bass, 32 Lingcod, 102 Whitefish, 127 Rockfish
19 Anglers
Overnight Trip
1 Cabezon, 1 Halibut, 2 Sheephead, 2 Lingcod, 185 Whitefish, 189 Rockfish
20 Anglers
Overnight Trip
2 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 2 Lingcod, 186 Whitefish, 160 Rockfish
21 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
7 Sculpin, 9 Sheephead, 8 Lingcod, 164 Whitefish, 148 Rockfish
33 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
3 Cabezon, 10 Sheephead, 3 Lingcod, 251 Whitefish, 372 Rockfish
Los Angeles Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
15 Anglers
Overnight Trip
1 Cabezon, 14 Sheephead, 1 Blue Perch, 4 Calico Bass, 3 Lingcod, 77 Whitefish, 131 Rockfish
14 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
49 Bocaccio, 2 Lingcod, 26 Rockfish
16 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
4 Sheephead, 2 Lingcod, 55 Whitefish, 100 Rockfish, 32 Red Snapper
72 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
32 Sculpin, 11 Whitefish, 225 Rockfish
35 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
2 Halibut, 21 Sculpin, 3 Whitefish
14 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
6 Halibut, 140 Rockfish, 6 White Seabass
40 Anglers
Full Day Trip
15 Barracuda, 4 Sheephead, 17 Calico Bass, 3 Lingcod, 21 Whitefish, 52 Bonito, 65 Rockfish, 80 Red Snapper
25 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Lingcod, 50 Red Snapper, 117 Rockfish
45 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
15 Sculpin, 3 Lingcod, 80 Red Snapper, 280 Rockfish
20 Anglers
Extended 1/2 Day
1 Sculpin, 3 Sheephead, 51 Whitefish, 33 Rockfish, 40 Red Snapper
54 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
125 Salmon Grouper, 260 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 25 Whitefish, 350 Rockfish
Orange Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
33 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
2 Sand Bass, 2 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 78 Rockfish
59 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
142 Sculpin, 4 Sheephead, 52 Whitefish, 2 Bonito, 135 Rockfish, 26 Vermilion Rockfish
28 Anglers
Overnight Trip
5 Sheephead, 10 Calico Bass, 3 Lingcod, 75 Whitefish, 3 Bonito, 280 Rockfish
15 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
15 Sculpin, 65 Rockfish, 60 Sanddab
32 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
2 Sand Bass, 2 Sheephead, 1 Whitefish, 18 Rockfish, 6 Calico Bass Released
46 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
191 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 25 Rockfish, 70 Sanddab
41 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
102 Sculpin, 3 Whitefish, 5 Vermilion Rockfish
San Diego Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
51 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
6 Sculpin, 14 Sheephead, 1 Lingcod, 103 Rockfish, 35 Vermilion Rockfish
55 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
6 Sculpin, 4 Sheephead, 3 Calico Bass, 103 Rockfish, 110 Vermilion Rockfish
18 Anglers
2 Day Trip
1 Bluefin Tuna, 7 Yellowtail, 20 Lingcod, 5 Bonito, 100 Rockfish
12 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
1 Yellowtail, 18 Lingcod, 1 Bonito, 60 Rockfish, 40 Red Rockfish
22 Anglers
2 Day Trip
4 Bluefin Tuna, 26 Lingcod, 100 Rockfish, 34 Red Rockfish
21 Anglers
Full Day Trip
20 Sculpin, 21 Yellowtail, 1 Lingcod, 60 Rockfish
42 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Lingcod, 230 Rockfish, 8 Vermilion Rockfish
10 Anglers
2 Day Trip
1 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Yellowtail, 3 Bonito, 145 Rockfish
15 Anglers
3 Day Trip
11 Yellowtail, 20 Lingcod, 32 Vermilion Rockfish
15 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
51 Yellowtail, 75 Rockfish
41 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
2 Sand Bass, 6 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 195 Rockfish
34 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
15 Sculpin, 21 Whitefish, 90 Rockfish, 30 Sculpin Released
27 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
2 Bluefin Tuna, 16 Lingcod, 100 Rockfish, 62 Vermilion Rockfish
7 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
2 Whitefish, 20 Rockfish, 3 Vermilion Rockfish